
Bluestacks tweaker guid
Bluestacks tweaker guid

Bstweaker official site bstweaker.tk how to root bluestacks 3.50 with bluestacks tweaker 3 and supersu 2.82 without kingroot. This is located at \Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds.Bstweaker 3 How To Root Bluestacks 3 50 Multi Instances Withīstweaker official site bstweaker.tk how to root bluestacks 3.50 (multi instances) with bluestacks tweaker 3 and supersu create the seco. The final step is to take this Tutorial.wld file and drop it into your PC worlds folder. Using bluestacks tweaker copy this to your desktop. This will drop a copy into Android/data//Worlds under the new file extension of. Then run your game and play on the selected world. Using bluestack tweaker, navigate to Android/data//OldSaves/Worlds and drop your updated Tutorial.world file inside this folder. Using legal means, update your game to 1.3+. Simply run the world file from within the game and re-extract this updated world file back to your desktop. Using bluestacks tweaker, navigate to 1.3 < worlds folder ( /data/data//files) and copy Tutorial.world here. wld (1.3+ / PC Format) we need to first run the world inside this version of mobile. Navigate to base.apk/assets/ and extract Tutorial.world. Using a zip archiving tool called 7-Zip go ahead and open the. Using bluestack tweaker, navigate over to the FM tab and navigate to android directory /data/app/ and copy -1 to your desktop. For this, any version below mobile will work. The next step after everything is installed and you have rooted your device, is to download a version of terraria that still has the tutorial option.

bluestacks tweaker guid

You will want to download version 5.16.1. To do this with Bluestacks, I suggest a tool called bluestack tweaker. This is an android mobile emulator for the PC. The first step Is to download Bluestacks.

bluestacks tweaker guid

After many years of people wishing there was a way to save this world and or have a public download, I now bring to you a way how!​ Over the years, terraria has switched to ingame tooltips. This world was accessed via a tutorial button and could not be saved to a file. As many might not know, within the very early years of Terraria, there existed an official "Tutorial World" created by the developers.

Bluestacks tweaker guid